تساءلت إحدى السيدات بشأن صحّة عمرتها حيث قامت بتقديم عدة تقنياتDuring her pilgrimage, such as leaning either to the right or left due to crowding, changing her direction away from or closer to the Kaaba, and sometimes facing the wrong way when circumnavigating. She is concerned about the validity of her previous umrahs given these practices. Here's a detailed explanation based on Islamic jurisprudence for clarity:
First and foremost, it is essential to perform tawaf within the boundaries of the Haram Mosque; performing tawaf outside its premises does not fulfill this ritual obligation according to scholars like Ibn Muflih in 'Sharh Manathir al-'Iradat.' Furthermore, while closeness to the Kaaba is preferable, being distant during certain parts of the circuit does not invalidate your act so long as you remain inside the mosque. However, what matters most here is ensuring that the Kaaba remains positioned at your left side throughout each step of your circumambulation around it - failure to do so will render those steps invalid until corrected later during subsequent rounds if necessary. This principle was established by both Imam Malik and Imam Shafi', emphasizing Prophet Muhammad’s instruction regarding how we should imitate him precisely in our religious rituals. Therefore, any deviation caused unknowingly by factors beyond control – such as pushing through crowds -, shouldn't affect one's overall performance provided immediate rectification occurs once noticed. Finally, merely tilting slightly sideways doesn't negate the sacrality of an individual’s actions since they continue aligning themselves correctly relative to the holy structure beneath consideration. Hence, rest assured that unless there has been deliberate defiance against prescribed guidelines concerning orientation towards the Kabah itself, all performed Umrah ceremonies shall stand validly reckoned by divine decree. May Allah guide us further!