- صاحب المنشور: عبد الكبير البوعناني
ملخص النقاش:
تناولت المناقشة مدى تأثير تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات على التعليم، حيث أعرب بعض المتحدثين عن مخاوفهم من أنها قد تساهم في عزلة الطلاب وانحسار التفاعلات الإنسانية الأساسية للنماء الشخصي. بينما يرى آخرون that technology isn't inherently harmful, but rather a tool with potential for both positive and negative impacts based on its application.
جادل سعيد الأندلسي بأنه يمكنUsing technology positively to enhance education by developing interactive methods that support human interaction. He highlighted how it provides access to rich educational resources and facilitates learning for individuals who might not have traditional educational opportunities. Instead of fearing automation in education, he suggested focusing on integrating tech while boosting social and personal skills.
Razan El Buzidi agreed about the importance of maintaining effective social engagement in digital learning environments. She pointed out technologies like virtual reality as tools capable of achieving this goal effectively. Emphasizing the need to exploit positive aspects offered by technology instead of dwelling only on potential downsides.
Rashida Al Bokhari concurred with Razan’s viewpoint regarding the importance of incorporating advanced technologies such as VR to ensure active social interactions within online learning spaces. Both parties advocated exploring ways to maximize the benefits brought forth by technological advancements without compromising crucial human relationships vital for holistic development during the educational process.
Ali Al Arussi acknowledged Saeed’s perspective deeming technology neutral; however, he cautioned against excessive reliance which could lead to neglecting humanity at the expense of technological progress. He stressed the necessity of striking balance between harnessing technology judiciously alongside preserving core values inherent in face-to-face interactions integral to quality education experiences.
In conclusion, participants recognized the dual nature of technology affecting education—capable either enhancing or damaging depending upon usage approach—and urged prioritizing strategies ensuring optimum integration fostering both cognitive growth and emotional well-being among learners through effective blending of high-tech innovations coupled with traditional humanistic elements central to modern pedagogical models.